Biggest Mobs Yummy: Roma Bar

Here’s a fairly well-known fact about the Roma Bar: Midnight Oil once mentioned it in a song.

So yes, it’s iconic, much-loved and been around for yonks.

It’s the Charlie King of Darwin cafes.

It’s also my cafe happy place.

I spend waaaaay too much money there TBH .. but I have a job and it’s not like I am out there buying  drugs (other than coffees and, for a brief regret-able period, vaping) so it’s ok.
And anyway, one day the Sun will expand and destroy the earth and there won’t be a Roma Bar so I might as well enjoy it while I can.

If you are old you will remember when Roma Bar was further down Cavenagh Street. It was long, thin, grungy and cool. The current location is rad too (but more of a square shape).

I also like the owners and staff and they don’t seem to judge me for always buying the same thing and always sitting at the sane spot.

I order (always) the vegetarian breakfast and a long macchiato. It’s delicious and looks pretty .. just like Her Territory (HT).

It’s so pretty that even my super average food photos look good (speaking of food - for a second - the dish features halloumi, steamed spinach, chilli beans, white toast and eggs how you want them).

Once upon a time I didn’t like their long macs, which come in a big glass and are more like a ‘long black’.

But as former Ch 8 newsreader David Fidler once told me: ‘people get used to anything’. Since I had just started working as a journo when he said that, I am pretty sure he was burning me. I used to play squash with Dave and, despite being 20-years older than me, he always flogged me because he had a better racquet.


Roma Bar serves a darker roasted bean .. like they do in Italy. It’s stronger (more robust) and different but good. Like an older brother who is arty but kind.

Roma Bar food is always good. All of it. Even stuff you might not expect to like, such as the Indian Breakfast of dahl with yoghurt with home-made roti and lime pickles.

And their Persian love cake should win the ‘best name for a cake’ competition that doesn’t exist.

I even like their logo. That’s not steam coming out the cup .. it’s lightening bolts!

It’s been a ‘lefty’ hang-out for years but ‘righty’s’ are drawn to it too. As long as they don’t discuss ‘renewable energy’ or ‘are zoo’s cruel?’ it works fine.

More on the breakfasts: The scrambled eggs with chilli got good reviews from my old boss who ordered it 2 days in a row and my son and his mate loved their vanilla milkshake and Ham/C/T toasted sandwiches. Plus the staff took it outside where they were sitting on an i-pad (stop judging!!) so that was nice of them.

The specials board is a trip with dishes that leap wildly between countries .. like I will do when I retire. Italian gnocchi, then a middle eastern thingo, then an Indian curry.  And it’s all good.x

Love you biggest mobs Roma Bar

Thumbs up rating: 4/5

Location: 9 Cavanagh Street, Darwin City.

Bookings not needed.

My morning happy place. Always has been. Always will be.

This is so pretty. I am in love with everything on this plate.

>Insert heart eyes emoji<

What an AWESOME name for a cake