Yummy Cypriot Rizogalo

When we launched HT I promised to regularly share some of my mum’s super special Cypriot recipes.

This month I am sharing her amazing and very in demand Rizogalo - otherwise known as Rice Pudding.

This simple recipe takes its name from the two basic ingredients that make up the bulk of it up - Rizi (rice) and gala (milk).

From as early as I can remember mum has been making this rich rice pudding - as much a comfort food as it is a delicious and highly loved dessert in the Cypriot culture.

I hope you love it too.



I cup rice

2 litres milk

2 egg yolks

I cup sugar

2 tablespoons cornflour

1 packet vanilla essence

Pinch of salt



  •     Boil rice until water evaporates (approximately 5-7 minutes)

  • Add milk, sugar and vanilla essence

  •     Simmer for 40 minutes (until rice expands)

  •      Add cornflour (dissolved with a little milk)

  •      Add yolks, whisking in gradually

  • Pour into individual little bowls and sprinkle cinnamon on top

  •      Leave to cool for approximately one hour

  •       Put in fridge overnight to set.


Maria Billias