Her Secret Territory Five

Her Territory is sharing avid female adventurers’ top five favourite locations in the NT.

Welcome to Hannah MacLeod’s secret five…

1) Bitter Springs, Elsey National Park

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A natural hot spring sitting at around 30 degrees year round. Hot tip is get up early on a cold, dry season morning and float down the spring, then quickly run back to the start and jump in and do it all again!

2) Jarrangbarnmi (Koolpin Gorge), Kakadu National Park


Koolpin is a series of plunge pools and waterfalls in Kakadu which has 4WD access only. Not uncommon to have the whole place to yourself. A bush camp is available nearby but be mindful of crocodiles and only swim in designated areas.

3) Tjaetaba Falls (Greenant Creek), Litchfield National Park

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After about a 1.5km moderate walk, you reach a small plunge pool with incredible views. Although generally not crowded, even better is to camp nearby, and go early to beat day-trippers from Darwin and get the place all to yourself.

4) Kings Canyon, Watarrka National Park

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Although Uluru takes all the glory for the ‘must-see’ destination in Central Australia, and for good reason, Kings Canyon deserves a seat at the same table. Set your alarm early and start the Rim Walk before sunrise. After a steep ascent you will be on the rim at the top of the canyon to watch the escarpment light up. It is a truly magical place, like being in a different world. At about the halfway mark, take the optional short walk to the Garden of Eden to see a peaceful water hole (but no swimming!)

5) Southern Rockhole, Nitmiluk National Park

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This spectacular Wet Season-only waterfall is a welcome relief after a 4km walk (oneway). If you're not keen on a hot trek back, you can always get the ferry back along Nitmiluk Gorge.

Her Territory