Why do women like Sex/Life?

The script writing is bad.

The acting is terrible.

The storylines are ridiculous.

And yet … women are going gaga over Netflix drama Sex/Life.


CLEARLY it's because it appeals to the very things normal life can be lacking in … like excitement, fantasy and escapism ..

Or maybe we just like watching hot people fool around.

It can’t be the acting because the male lead character, Brad, is more wooden than a sauna.

It’s not the script writing because NO conversation on this show is remotely plausible.

And the storylines are plain silly. One very successful character still lives in the same unchanged, student dorm looking apartment she had at university, 17 years ago. Hmmm.

But Sex/Life - and shows like it - have found their audience and, really, are the modern day Mills and Boon.

Sure, there are no Golden Globe awards in Sex/Life’s future - and I doubt they expect one - but they keep the winning formula simple.

Fantasy, fantasy fantasy, gratuitous sex scenes, and a bit of drama with a small plot twist.

But the escapist appeal of Sex/Life is very real and it does the job.

Plus - fantasy is easier to find and much safer to experience when enjoyed on TV.

And really, at the end of the day, watching this show is a cheap thrill and victimless crime.

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