Timor - Territorians' next big holiday destination

Like many people at Xmas, I had a quick getaway to recharge.

Admittedly when my partner said “hey let’s go to Timor for six days” … my first reaction was “why?”

I’d been there for a work trip 16 years earlier, and my memory was that it was very hot, had lots of goats roaming the streets (although, anyone that knows me would know I love them so that wasn’t a negative), and, that there was nothing much to do. 

Granted, work trips aren’t meant to be pina coladas by a pool, but, STILL. 

Anyway, I relented. And … I was wrong.

I would HIGHLY recommend Timor as a holiday destination - especially for a quick getaway and especially if you live in Darwin.

With a one hour flight from Darwin on a Qantas Link plane, we had barely left the runway before we were descending into Dili.

For those who are interested in going there one day, these are the 4 things that I loved most.

  1. Atauro Island …  Barry’s Place.

I HAVE to start with this because it took my breath away.

We spent two nights at this Ecolodge and it will firmly remain as one of the best things I have ever done.

Atauro Island is just 1 hour by ferry from Dili. 

The ferry is big and air conditioned (v important .. because, yes, Dili is still HOT 16 years later), and it was pretty smooth waters. 

You can actually see Atauro Island from Dili which is pretty cool (and comforting …  because I kept thinking ‘if the boat sinks now I could probably swim the rest of way”).  DISCLAIMER: There is no way in hell I could have swum this distance. I get exhausted doing one lap of a teeny tiny plunge pool.

Now I’ve never been to Hawaii, but this island is exactly as I imagine it to look like.

I will use no more words. Here is a photo of Atauro Island:

Barry’s Place Eco-Lodge, where we stayed, is fast gaining a must-go-to reputation, and you can tell that one day it is going to be a mecca for tourists.

Barry’s Place prides itself on providing an ecotourism experience. This simply means it tries not to interfere too much with the natural environment.

Think: showers by buckets, lots of solar panels powering it, and toilets in the ground. 

The huts only have teeny tiny fans (I won’t lie. I love aircon. I am from Darwin. I was slightly alarmed).

But it works. It was cool and pleasant - in fact I have never slept better in my life. Note - there are nets on the beds so no need to worry about spiders or rats climbing through the open air design of the huts. Eek. )

Three full meals are covered as part of the cost - they are super healthy and super yummy.

Fruit, bread rolls & coffee is free and available all day. 

Anyway. Enough talk. Here are some photos.

Little huts. Very basic. But so perfect.

This is the shower bucket used for splashing water onto our body each evening. Cool.

One of the mouthwatering, and super healthy meals

Inside our hut - insect net for the win.

Atauro Island has the most biodiverse marine life in the WORLD. We some some incredible coral & sea creatures here.

The lodge uses minimal energy by adopting natural ventilation and breezeways,  low heat absorption roofing (grass thatch) solar panels for lighting and low wattage electrical needs (12volt fans and phone charging).

2). The walk up to the Cristo Rei statue of Dili and swim.

Cristo Rei of Dili Statue

Cristo Rei beach

When we first landed we thought we’d relax on the beach at the front our a cute little Beachside hotel with a Bintang (I don’t think Timor has a local beer).

And we did that. However.. 2 beers later we thought it would be a smart idea to do the climb.

I probably wouldn’t do it again after a couple of beers .. but gee the views were worth it.

Walk up was probably around 30 minutes.

And the swim in the pretty beach below was a beautiful way to unwind on our first night in Dili.

Definitely worth doing if you come to Timor.

Two Bintangs down and we made it to the top - yippeee

3 - A day tour.

Now - I fought this until the very end. I am actually not big on day tours. I’m not always a fan of talking to other people on holidays and I kept saying “I don’t need to do a war tour to learn about Timor’s history. I learnt all that at on the internet.

Please let’s just stay on the beach and drink more beers.”

But, alas, I lost out and petulantly stormed into the taxi like this was the absolute WORST thing that could ever happen to me on holidays.

But. It was awesome. I loved it and learnt so much about Timor’s sad war history. 

We spent eight hours driving up and back down a mountain where we got to witness the day to day authentic life of some very beautiful and friendly locals.

We visited lots of markets and saw some of the best views of Dili from the top of the mountain.

Also, there were heaps of goats.

Some pics:

Gorgeous view of Dili

Oh hello beautiful creature

And again

4 - Timor Plaza 

This was SO fun, and I had the BEST soup I have ever had in my life in the eatery here.

It was actually genius planning by my partner to end the trip with two nights at Timor Plaza and Apartments - which many would know is owned and run by the well known Jape family.

After two nights living it rough (lol) at Atauro Island, being able to have a hot shower and wash our hair with real shampoo and conditioner felt like we had just checked into the Four Seasons.

But this was way better.

Because there is an awesome shopping centre directly below us (in fact the windowed lift just outside your room plonks you directly into the middle of this really bright and dazzling mall). It’s really cool.

Lots of tech heavy shops, an awesome eatery (where the best soup I’ve ever eaten was discovered), and the coolest minimart ever. I bought a $3 bottle of Shiraz and Craig got a $1.25 can of Bintang from this supermarket and we thought that was so awesome). We also bought ice creams and that made up our NYE stash for our hotel room celebration - woohoo.

Now don’t judge us. But. We went to Burger King at the Plaza and had the best meal on NYE.


Another awesome thing about Timor Plaza - Gloria Jeans was open on New Years Day so we had lots of coffees when sleepy Dili was all but shutdown.

Me not posing at all at Timor Plaza’s well known Skybar

We felt like royalty entering this hotel after a couple of days doing it tough Haha .. we were so NOT doing it tough.

Finally. People say Dili will one day be the next Bali. I agree. But after this trip i still think that is at least 10 years away (I am sure this was said 10 years ago).

English is not spoken widely & customer service is very patchy.

Finding taxis can be a bit of a mission too (here is a tip the locals gave us - only use the blue ones).

Getting money out of ATMs is challenging (some work, some don’t) so my advice would be take cash with you (that has already been exchanged into US dollars back home).

Also, don’t count on much available Wifi in Timor.

But if I’m being honest, this has ended up being one of the BEST parts of this trip.

It is all part of the charm of Timor Leste.

And we will definitely be back.

Maria Billias