5 things that push me over the edge ..
Ever stepped on a Lego piece when you were already in a bad mood? Ouch.
I read a great piece the other day about life's small annoyances.
You know, those first-world type irritations that really grind your gears.
Not the big challenges that we all invariably face through life's journey, but rather the smaller things that sometimes tip you over the edge, and have you throwing a big “f%^k YOU” to the universe.
Like stepping on your kid’s lego piece when you’re already in a bad mood, or walking behind an obnoxiously slow-walker when you are in a hurry, or people that don’t automatically step to the left when you are passing them on a path … small things that make you irrationally lose the plot.
Think Michael Douglas in Falling Down ... going psycho after the burger he ordered didn't look the way it did on the menu board.
It got me thinking about the top 5 “little” things that annoy me (by the way, none of the below will have me going on a Michael Douglas killing spree. Everyone is safe).
Here we go:
Drivers who unnecessarily stop at roundabouts.
I mean be safe, sure, but being so risk averse that you are paralysed at a roundabout because there is a car 17km away is just stupid.
People at the checkout who remember at the very last minute (ie WHEN THE CASHIER ASKS THEM TO PAY), that they need to retrieve their wallet.
And this retrieval always seems to take place in slow motion. I mean, it's not like it should catch you by surprise that you have to pay for your groceries. For gods sake - just pull out your goddam credit card and Everyday Rewards card as soon as you've unloaded your trolley.
People on Instagram who hashtag #blessed.
No, you are not Karen. You bought a nice car. That’s awesome. Doesn’t mean you are blessed. Heaps of people do it. Well done.
Same goes for millennials hash tagging blessed when they are on holidays somewhere exotic.
Nah mate. You haven’t been tapped on the shoulder by a higher power. Your credit card is doing all the hard work.
Actually, come to think of it, the bank is blessed when it claws back your holiday loan at 19% interest.
Strangers wanting to chat in a lift.
Honestly. Don’t do it.
I just want to get somewhere. I don’t don't want to make friends, so please do not ask me 'what's for dinner' when I'm holding my grocery bags and just trying to get up to my apartment after a long day.
People that ring my phone.
Ok for someone who works in communications this is probably not what I should be admitting to. But I am kind of referring to everyday life outside of work (in case the bosses are reading).
Just text me ok? It's quicker and more efficient and we don't have to do the whole 'oh heeey how's life/how hot is Darwin these days/how's your Aunty going .. preamble. A “wanna do lunch tomorrow” text is way better than chatting about it for 10 minutes.
Ok ok I know I said five - but this one came to me earlier at Casuarina shops. Drivers who walk to their parked car and then sit in it for a ridiculous amount of time before reversing and leaving. Meanwhile it’s like Hunger Games out there with people vying for a carpark (Parap Markets on a Saturday anyone?!)
What do you people do in your parked cars? Pluck your eyebrows? Write your memoir? Have a nap?
I mean honestly, just f%#kn leave!