10 MORE Things People Say in Bali

Darwin people love a classic Bali one-liner.

Her Territory isn’t judging! We do it ourselves!

We ran our top 10 cliched Bali comments made by tourists earlier in the year, but we’ve come up with another 10 .. because it was just too good to stop.

  1. Are there more w**kers at Ku da Ta or Potato Head?

  2. We should get a tattoo!

  3. What’s the Wifi code?

  4. Do you think it’s too far to walk?

  5. Should we bother taking out insurance?

  6. Is it too early for a beer? *

  7. Do you think we can leave our valuables in the hotel room?

  8. It must have been so hard for the locals during Covid.

  9. It’s amazing how clean Bali is at the moment!

  10. How many massages is too many?

* Anything after 8.30am is acceptable on holidays.

Her Territory